Anna Vos of Owl Post Lettering
On a Wednesday of Joe Bean
Interview No. 121

Interview by Emily Hessney Lynch.
Published February 22, 2018.
Where are you originally from? What brought you to Rochester?
I grew up north of Philly in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. I came to Rochester to study music at Roberts Wesleyan. Afterwards, I planned to take a year off and apply to grad school, but during that time, I didn’t miss practicing at all! I ended up working odd jobs and sticking around the area. I met my now-husband at Artisan Church, where I really felt like I had found a community I could be a part of. It was never really a conscious decision to stay in Rochester.
What is your favorite part of living in Rochester?
I love that there’s so much to do here and it doesn’t seem like a huge, overwhelming city. We have world-class food, Broadway shows, concerts, and you can often just park once and walk to everything during a night out. Our church community is really great too. We’ve been going to Artisan Church on South Clinton for 10 years now!
Do you have any favorite/secret Rochester spots?
My favorite restaurant is Good Luck! My husband and I have shared lots of good memories there. It was where we went for our first fancy date night, we had a meal there right before getting engaged, and we went on the first time we left our kids with a sitter. Plus, they have the best fucking pizza.
Do you have a favorite charity/nonprofit you like to support?
Friends of mine run Rescue Pit, which is a great organization. Most of our support goes to Artisan Church right now for the expansion of their children’s wing. It’s part of an overarching theme for the year of accessibility. Another project Artisan Church is focusing on this year is making the bathrooms comfortable for everyone.
If you had $100 and 2 hours to kill in Rochester, how would you spend the money and time?
Well, maybe if I had three hours...I’d go to Village Bakery at the Culver Armory and get a breakfast sandwich and a green smoothie. Then I’d head to Wonder Nails on Monroe for a mani-pedi. I’d wrap things up by going to Peppermint and treating myself to a few things.

What's your favorite neighborhood?
We used to live in NOTA and I miss that neighborhood a lot. It’s really blown up since we lived there, especially with the opening of Glen Edith on Elton Street and Three Heads on Atlantic! We live near Highland Park now and really enjoy the area. There are a lot of young kids on our street and it’s very walkable.
What is your personal coping mechanism for cold/gray weather?
I paint a lot. It’s nice that my craft is a cozy one.
What is your favorite Rochester memory?
Our wedding--we got married at our church and had the reception at ArtisanWorks. Our friend’s band played that night as a gift to us.
I also have oddly fond memories of the time I spent at Strong Memorial Hospital after I had my kids. The nurses there are so great.
What makes Rochester unique?
It’s a large city but has a small community feel. You don’t get that much in other cities unless you’re living in a particularly tight-knit neighborhood. It’s been really interesting getting to know more artists in the area and seeing how well-connected everyone is.
What do you think could be improved?
The education system--the signup process is super confusing. There’s also a lot of racial segregation due to housing. I’d like to see the community extend throughout the city without the inner loop dividing things. Some neighborhoods just aren’t included when we talk about the city as a whole.
If Rochester was a drink, what would it be?
It would be a craft cocktail. With the cocktail revival happening here, we have so many people who care about making good drinks. With Rochester, we’re basically taking a bunch of great ingredients and mixing it all together to make something even better.
Tell me a little bit about how Owl Post Lettering got started.
I started lettering in April 2016 as a hobby. I had a friend who encouraged me to try it and helped me get started. I started sharing some of it on Instagram, and by July 2016, people were asking for commissions! I opened an Etsy shop in August 2016 and did a Brainery Bazaar that December. That year I had also created a journal that said “Believe in your inner Beyonce,” and it got picked up by Buzzfeed! Spring 2017 is when I came up with the “home” design with the flower city logo in the “O” and it really took off. It’s been very exciting and validating and I’ve loved trying out different things along the way.

What is the best part of owning a business in Rochester?
I love meeting people at shows and helping them choose gifts that are thoughtful. I also really enjoy teaching classes (you can see some of my upcoming Brainery classes here). It’s neat to spend an evening with someone teaching them how to do the thing you love the most.
What are some of the challenges you face?
Time is a big one. Staying home with my kids, Ruby and Rory, is a full-time job. I’m always trying to squeeze in emails and shipping and other business stuff while my son is napping.
Figuring out supplies, wholesaleing, and how to get things into shops has also been tough. Luckily, there are great people in Rochester who are willing to help new folks through it.
What's the significance of the name Owl Post Lettering?
I wanted to choose a name that speaks subtly to the nerd community but also sounds nice on its own. It was almost Allons-y Lettering, but I knew the Harry Potter community was a bit broader than the Doctor Who community, and I suspected people would mispronounce “Allons-y” and it would get on my nerves! Plus, the seventh Harry Potter book was really pivotal for me, because it got me going back to church again. I credit J.K. Rowling with my happy, healthy adulthood!
Who are some other local artists you admire?
- Jess Antonow from @blessthemessy
- Ilana Griffo of @sugarandtype
- Kelly Place -- Her watercolor work is gorgeous, and her style speaks to me on a spiritual level! The Fred Rogers quotes she uses make me want to cry.
- Marissa Kroll of @interstellarlovecraft -- I recently had a custom necklace made by her and I’m so excited about it!
- Anna Overmoyer -- She was my neighbor at Mayday last fall! I was in awe of her and her work. She makes fairies and paints these incredible, gorgeous things. She has space in the Anderson Arts Building.
What advice would you give to other creatives/entrepreneurs in Rochester?
Just go for it. You never know what could happen. And start small. Etsy is great because it’s low risk. If you’re a crafter, go to a craft fair. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Simply asking, “I’ve never done this before, can you help?” has never gotten me turned away by a fellow artist or maker. Brainstorming is awesome too.
Anna Vos is the artist and maker behind Owl Post Lettering. For more of Anna's perspective, visit our Instagram.