By Emily Hessney Lynch.
Published December 21, 2016.
Winters in ROC can be rough, we know. As winter fast approaches, we thought it would be helpful to share some of the best strategies and coping mechanisms from some of our interviewees!
For a lot of people, hibernation is the answer. But it can definitely be productive hibernation!
- On cold gray days, I'm on Netflix watching full seasons of How I Met Your Mother. Denard Smith
- Writing and coffee and sitting in my room glancing out my window overlooking the backyard. Tony Palermo
- Cuddling up with a good book. Taylor Wroblewski
- For cold grey days, I usually just turn on some mellow music, throw my beats on, and edit some photos. Or I usually like to read a book on those days. Stephen Luke
- Either curling up with a good book, or working on a project that I’ve been wanting to work on for a while. Dan Schneiderman
- I like to sit in front of my fireplace and read or color. Terry Sinopoli
- Making and playing music. The transformative power of music has carried me through many a gray Rochester day. I do a quarterly mixtape for my WhateverForever Facebook fam that often reflects seasonal nuances. They’re designed to propel you through the malaise of winter, the heartbreak of late summer, etc. Alykhan
- Coffee. Fireplace. Miles Davis. Greg Best
For others, the only way to survive is to be bold and #OptOutside.
- Running helps, whether it’s indoors or outdoors. Kim Springer
- Snowboarding! Julie Adner
- I think people forget that you ARE allowed to go outside during the winter months. Fresh winter air is good for you. Jacalyn Meyvis
- Go out and enjoy it! Just because it's cold outside doesn't mean you have to stay inside. Bundle up and get out there. Dave Meleca
- Finding some new park or area and taking pictures. Jessica Waydelis
Or perhaps it’s just a matter of staying active, even if it’s indoors.
- Try to stay physically active indoors with sports and/or exercise. Anthony Vence
Some argue that alcohol is the best coping mechanism.
- A margarona: a fishbowl filled with frozen margarita, salt, lime, and an upside down corona bottle. John Ellis
- I just drink with my friends. That’s honestly what I do. Meg Ameden
- Trudge through the snow to your local watering hole, and commiserate with your fellow winter warriors. Maria Gorre
Caffeine is a great option too.
- A good cup of coffee and chocolate pastry from one of the many local cafes in Rochester is always helpful during the cold/gray weather. Emma Daitz
- Coffee houses get me through it. Shawn O’Hara
- Finding a sunny coffee shop and hunkering down with a hot bev. Amanda DeFisher
- Lots of good books and lots of good coffee. Emily Hessney
Alcohol and caffeine aren’t your only options: food plays a crucial role in winter survival too!
- Eating comfort food. Breanna Banford
- I probably start cooking more. In the fall, I’ll start thinking about making beef jerky, things in the crockpot, or stews. When I go home, that’s what I like to do. I like to cook or create something. We’re both creators, so she likes to do stuff with yarn or paper. I think about ingredients. Jennifer of Little Button
- Find something warm to hold, like an empanada at the Public Market. Hannah Barry
Others find a temporary escape to be the only option.
- Vacation in the winter. Madelyn of Little Button
- Plan a trip! Joanie Fraver
- Booking plane tickets to California! Nicole Kazimer
And some Rochesterians just don’t care!
- It’s just another day. Focus on projects and activities. Matt Rogers
- If you’re a warm person in general, wear shorts! AJ Mosher
Others say, it’s all about preparation.
- Socks and double socks. Keep the extremities warm and wait for it to pass. Steph Fallon
- Staying bundled up. Na’Tasha Jones
- My L.L. Bean parka. You need to get smart and stock your winter toolkit! Also, snow tires. Kelsey Delmotte
- Invest in some great boots that will last more than one winter, and a really good wool coat! Ruya Kirac
- Extra long socks are a must! Nicole Antonini
- I’ve always liked winter fashion the most, so the way I cope with cold, grey weather is to use that to get through day. I'll go out, and buy some new gear to help me get ready for the cold. Nate Leisenring
- It’s all about preparing well. You’ve gotta bundle up, even if it’s just for a five minute car ride. Michael Agnello
Getting out and doing stuff is important too.
- In the cold months, I love to visit museums like RoCo, the Susan B. Anthony House, the Memorial Art Gallery, and the George Eastman Museum. It’s never cold or gray in any of those places because they’re so rich with history and cultural significance for Rochester! Jennifer Caton
- Honestly, I just keep doing things. I still go to art openings and restaurants. We have great movie theatres in Rochester! Matt DeTurck
- In the winter I see a lot of movies—I’m at The Little way more than someone should be! They do have the best popcorn in Rochester, after all. Danielle Raymo
- I try to visit the Lamberton Conservatory often, to get warm up in the tropical room and see some bright colors, and maybe even paint and draw some of the things I see! Eboni Jones
- Spending some time every single day with amazing works of art really changes your perspective and your mood. Sometimes, on the days when it’s -12 degrees, I bring a book up the Fountain Court and read while the Eastman students are practicing on the Organ. Spending time in the museum helps me find beauty in everything, from pieces of contemporary ‘art’ that are pretty curious to the cold Rochester winters. Jessica Gasbarre
- I like throwing holiday parties. So I guess parties. I like throwing house parties. I like to surround myself by people that I like. Katy LaJuett
It seems like ultimately, it boils down to perfecting the right mindset to tackle winter head-on.
- Swearing! Just walking outside and saying “Geez, it’s fucking cold.” Frankie Bonn
- Experiencing change is important and I can’t imagine living in a place where most of the year seems like the same day. We organize our memories through the change in seasons. If every day were the same, I’d feel lost trying to figure out a memory from February compared to a memory from July. Charles Moreland
- I guess my coping mechanism is to just try not to think about it. Just get in the car, go to work, and try not to get into an accident on the way there. I do really enjoy the beauty of the winter. Danielle Sauers
- Staying in touch with people. It’s easy to keep up with people online and think you’re really connected, but you’ve gotta get out there in real life too. We’re always out and about in summer and need to make an effort to do the same and stay engaged in the winter, too. Chris Clemens
- I actually enjoy shoveling snow. It’s an awesome workout for my upper body. My muscles feel tired but good. Afterwards, I look back at my cleared driveway with pride and think to myself, "You will not defeat me today winter. I am the master of destiny!” Calin Lawrence
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