Meet the I Heart ROC team.
They're pretty cool ladies.

By Maria Gorre.
Published May 31, 2016.
One year ago, I launched I Heart ROC as a side project and as a way to get to know more people in my hometown. It helped me shed light on all the things we love about Rochester, and forced me to check out those hidden gems that we all know this city has. Since then, I’ve watched this community grow, and even though life has moved me away from the ROC, I’ve been lucky enough to have a talented group of ladies on the ground who are fun, talented, and passionate about the city they live in. A year ago, I had no idea I’d have such awesome people on my team, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know them, so here they are!
Emma reached out to me back in December when I was in Rochester for Christmas, and the first person I brought on as an I Heart ROC team member. She had tons of great ideas about social strategy, is super organized, and as a funny coincidence, we used to be neighbors back when I used to live off of Park Ave. In her free time, Emma enjoys exploring new areas of the city and perfecting her smoothie recipes.
I met Taylor through Emma, who had met her through their program at Nazareth College. A self-proclaimed coffee enthusiast, Taylor’s enthusiasm for the ROC is infectious, and she has been contributing great interviews and stories during her short time as a team member already. Taylor loves writing, reading, exploring local restaurants and coffee shops, and finding new spots downtown.
Emily was one of the first people to reach out and ask to do an interview when I launched the redesign of I Heart ROC. She has a great eye for the beauty in everyday Rochester moments, and has been killing it reaching out to our community on social media. Emily enjoys going for long walks, and also writes a hybrid Rochester appreciation/travel blog entitled Roc Girl/Big World.
Thanks to all these ladies for your help and support in keeping this community going! I’m so excited to have their talent on board, and look for more contributions from them in the future!
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